Functional Skills Mathematics
(Entry Level 3)
Topic 6: Rounding
Rounding a number to the nearest ten means finding the multiple of 10 that is nearest to that number.
The tens are all the numbers that end in zero.
Think of a row of numbered houses. Some of the houses are tens (10, 20, 30, etc.) and all of the other houses are between the tens.
For example, 144 is between 140 and 150
It is nearer to 140. So 144 rounded to the nearest ten is 140.
Rounding a number to the nearest hundred means finding the multiple of 100 that is nearest to that number.
The hundreds are all the numbers that end in double zero.
For example, 298 is between 200 and 300
It is nearer to 300. So 298 rounded to the nearest hundred is 300.
If you are unsure whether a number is nearer to one round number or another, ask yourself: What is the midway point between those two numbers?
For example, you may be asked to round 371 to the nearest hundred.
371 is between 300 and 400, but which is it nearer to?
The midway point between 300 and 400 is 350, and 371 is more than 350, so it is nearer to 400 than to 300.
371 rounded to the nearest hundred is 400.